Member Information & League Coordination

Member Information

LWV Information & Resources
Use these resources to keep up to date with issues and legislation the League is currently working on.

What Members Can Do As Individuals to Advocate
“Action is agitating, organizing, educating, pleading, and persuading.” — Carrie Chapman Catt

Making Your Voice Heard: How you can influence government decisions

League Coordination

Board Member Orientation Guidelines
LWVTC Bylaws
Candidate Forum Guidelines
LWVTC Nonpartisan Policy

NYS Local League Resources
A valuable and extensive resource for local League coordination

Membership Leadership Development Handbook (pdf)
Concrete ideas for creating a vibrant League, including:

Engaging Your League Board
Outreach Best Practices
How to be Visible All Year
Storytelling and the LWV Storybank
The Welcoming League
Engaging Members to Lead
Structures for Success
League Leadership Models and Job Descriptions
Leadership Training and Transitions
Leading Together
Tools You Can Use