
Welcome to the League of Women Voters, Tompkins County, Ithaca, New York. The League of Women Voters is a non-partisan organization committed to defending democracy and empowering voters by bringing you the most up to date information available on National, State and Local Elections and issues of concern to voters.

LWV believes everyone should play an active part in government and vote in all elections whether local, State or National. Our Democracy depends on it.

As a nonpartisan political organization, the League of Women Voters never supports or opposes a political candidate or political party. However, the League acts on issues chosen by the membership for study and action. It may support or oppose specific ballot items. Our organization includes people of all genders and we invite your participation. Any person 16 years or older may become a League member.

The League encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. Our activities fall into three categories:

VOTER SERVICE The League is well-known for promoting informed voting.

Current voter services activities for the NOVEMBER 5 election.
We welcome anyone who would like to join League members at our various activities, especially registering voters and providing voter education during the election season. Volunteer opportunities are available now for the General Election, November 5th! Non-members are most welcome.
To help out please contact us at LWVtompkins.info@gmail.com

LWVTC’s Voter Services Committee provides impartial information on ballot measures and educational meetings on issues of public concern. Help register voters, assist with candidate forums and collect and manage Vote411.org information.

Positions The League of Women Voters takes positions on local, state and national issues only after members have studied and reached agreement on them.

Advocacy The League never supports or opposes political parties or candidates. Based on positions developed through member study and agreement, the League does take action to support or oppose specific governmental policies. Our League takes action on Digital Equity, Health Care, Natural Resources, and other issues of specific interest to our members.

Enter your home address to learn which elections are being held within your specific districts. Find information about each candidate, including their background and responses to questions on their priorities and issues of concern to voters, are also available. Learn more
What Do We Vote For?

¿Por qué votarás?

VOTE BY MAIL in NY – Learn More

Get an Early Mail Ballot Application

Message from the Tompkins County Board of Elections about Early Mail Ballots mailings – Learn More

It will appear on the ballot as

It protects abortion rights, and it adds to existing protections against discrimination based on race and religion, it would explicitly prohibit discrimination based on a person’s ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.

Be Sure To FLIP Your Ballot

LWVTC supports letter by the Ithaca Office of Human Rights:
Responding to Incidents of Hate

The New York State Equal Rights Amendment (NYS-ERA) Committee of LWV-TC met on March 25 to launch the NYS-ERA campaign in Tompkins County.
The Committee plans to offer educational sessions on the NYS-ERA to various organizations and/or to collaborate with them in other ways to promote passage of the NYS-ERA.
Members present, left-to-right: Sally Grubb, Kathleen Yen, Susan Lee, Susan Suarez, Anne Mueller

Meet our National League’s new CEO Celina Stewart

The League of Women Voters of New York State strongly supports banning the use of carbon dioxide (CO2) in fracking for extraction of natural gas in New York State (A.8866/S.8357). Doing so would amend Article 23 of the Environmental Conservation Law to widen the existing ban on High Volume Hydraulic Fracturing (HVHF or fracking) to include use of CO2 in natural gas or oil extraction. 
Read the Memorandum of Support here

Fracking with CO2: Examining the Plan for the Southern Tier
with Irene Weiser, Coordinator of Fossil Free Tompkins
A video recording of this March 20, 2024 event is here

The League of Women Voters of New York State
supports the PACKAGING REDUCTION and RECYCLING INFRASTRUCTURE ACT (S4246B/A5322B) and urges Legislature to pass the bill this session. The Memorandum of Support in connection with the packaging legislation (S4246B/A5322B) was submitted on February 26, 2024 by the NYS League to the Senate Environmental Committee in advance of the February 27, 2024 meeting regarding this bill. Read the Memorandum of Support here

Stay Up-to-Date . . .
– Support the NY State Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
– Current Legislative Activity in Albany
– NY State League Advocacy, Issues, and Events
– Read our Tompkins County League’s Latest Bulletin !

Take Action . . .
READ THE CITIZEN LOBBYIST – Making Your Voice Heard: How you can influence government decisions
– Urge Congress to expand the right to vote
Demand bipartisan cooperation on voting rights
– Learn about Women’s INequality Day
Tell your Senators to enshrine sex-based equality by affirming the Equal Rights Amendment as part of our Constitution!
Reduce the influence of dark money by promoting the DISCLOSE Act

You can do much more to defend the issues that matter most, even after you’ve submitted your ballot.
=> Here’s How

About the League of Women Voters, Tompkins County
LWVTC on Facebook
LWV Tompkins County – Bulletin News Event Archive
LWV Tompkins County – History

Upcoming Elections
Voters’ Guide
Candidate Forums
Voting in Tompkins County
Election Maps

Find Your Elected Officials
Voting Contacts

Voter Outreach

The League is well-known for promoting informed voting.
LWVTC’s Voter Services Committee provides impartial information on ballot measures and educational meetings on issues of public concern. See our Voter Outreach Calendar for our current voter services activities. Help register voters, assist with candidate forums and collect and manage Vote411.org information. Interested? contact us at LWVtompkins.info@gmail.com

Information and Resources
ACTION: Natural Resources, Healthcare, Digital Equity, & more
STUDENTS! Visit the Inside of our NY State Government in Albany

EVENTS – Calendar

Contact LWV Tompkins County
LWVTC on Facebook
Contact Your Representatives
Tompkins County Board of Elections
NYS Board of Elections
LWV New York State

LWV Tompkins County – Local Advocacy & Legislative Activities
LWV Tompkins County – Education Fund at the Community Foundation
The League of Women Voters “Education FundVOTE411”

JOIN or Renew Your LWV Membership
LWV, TC Board of Directors
Member Information & League Coordination

News, Bulletin & Event Archive