ELECTION DATE: Tuesday, MAY 21, 2024
Voting locations: School voting districts and locations:
=> scroll down to School District Polling Locations
Voting times: 7:00 AM – 9:00 PM
The information provided below was gathered by the League of Women Voters of Tompkins County, as of May 7, 2024. To share corrections or updates, please contact
Many thanks for the assistance provided by our School District Clerks!
District Clerk:
Tricia Beresford 607-274-2102
Deputy Dist. Clerk Emilee Tracy-Arm 607-274-6845
Or send a message on Let’s Talk:
School District’s website:
School Board website:
Number of members on the School Board: 9
Election information website: Budget Vote and School Board Election information
Number of positions open: 3
Term lengths: 3 years
Candidates’ names, and public contact information –
Eldred V. Harris
Adam Krantweiss
Todd Fox
Moira Lang
Barry Derfel
Emily Workman
Steve Cullen
Incumbent candidates’ biographical information:
1. Proposed 2024-25 Budget: Shall the Board of Education of the Ithaca City School District be authorized to expend an amount not to exceed $168,935,371 to meet the District’s estimated expenditures during the 2024-2025 school year, and to levy the necessary tax therefor?
2. Appropriation and Expenditure of Capital Reserve Funds: Shall the Board of Education of the Ithaca City School District (the “District”) be authorized to appropriate funds from the District’s “2022 Capital Reserve Fund” in the maximum amount of $3,200,000 and to expend these combined funds for the following purposes: 1) Purchase of up to four (4) electric buses, utilizing rebates to defer costs of said buses; 2) Purchase of up to four (4) ultra-low emission propane buses for long range travel; and 3) Purchase of up to six (6) passenger vehicles to transport students and support student programming, including but not limited to Drivers Education, and to support district departments, including but not limited to the Transportation, Technology, and Facilities Departments?
3. 2024 Capital Project: Shall the bond resolution adopted by the Board of Education on March 12, 2024, authorizing the construction of improvements to and reconstruction of various School District buildings and facilities, including site and athletic field improvements, transportation infrastructure upgrades and original furnishings, equipment, machinery, apparatus, appurtenances, and incidental improvements and expenses in connection therewith, at a maximum estimated cost of $125,000,000, and the issuance of $125,000,000 bonds of said School District to pay the cost thereof, to mature over a period not exceeding 30 years, providing that such bonds shall be payable from amounts to be levied in annual installments on taxable real property of said School District; pledging the District’s faith and credit for the payment of such bonds; delegating powers to the chief fiscal officer with respect to the issuance and sale of bond anticipation notes and such bonds, containing an estoppel clause and providing for the publication of an estoppel notice, be approved?
Date when the School Board election/budget newsletter was/will be sent: May 10, 2024
Public forums:
Capital Project Community Conversations
Wednesday, May 8, 5:30 p.m.
Danby Fire Hall
Ithaca Teachers’ Association Forum
May 9, 6:00- 7:30 p.m.
Meet the candidates
Zoom Link
Public Budget Hearing
Tuesday, May 14, 5:30 p.m.
York Hall (Ithaca High School)
Budget details:
Voter registration deadline:
The voter registration deadline is May 7, 2024
If a qualified voter has previously registered with the district or with the county board of elections and has voted within the last four (4) calendar years, they are eligible to vote in the May 21, 2024 Annual District Meeting and Election without re-registering.
All others who wish to vote in the Annual District Meeting and Election must either pre-register with the district as set forth below or be registered with the Tompkins County or Tioga County board of elections to vote in general elections.
The district has authorized continuous registration of qualified voters in the
Office of the District Clerk
400 Lake Street, Ithaca, New York
between the hours of 9 a.m. and 1 p.m., Monday through Friday, through May 7, 2024.
To vote in the 2024 Budget Vote and School Board Election, you must be a registered voter and–
a citizen of the United States;
18 years of age or older;
a resident within the district for 30 days immediately preceding May 21, 2024; and
not otherwise prohibited from voting under Election Law.
Voting locations: School voting districts and locations
scroll down to School District Polling Locations
Voting times: Noon – 9:00pm